It's hard to believe that just four months ago Devious Maids actress Dania Ramirez gave birth to twins. Have you seen those bikini body pics she recently posted to Instagram? She looks AMAZING! The girl has a trim waist, flat stomach and the most toned booty known to woman. What's her secret to getting that butt in such great shape?
Read more ¿Qué más?: 5 Easy moves that will give you flat abs, guaranteed! (VIDEOS)
Dania hasn't yet revealed what she's been doing to lose the baby weight, but I'm pretty sure she's been working her butt off (pun intended). A lot of women get discouraged with their post-pregnancy bodies and find it hard to shed the pounds and tone up, but believe me, it's possible–even if you're a busy mom always pressed for time. Here are five exercises that will tone up your booty (and the rest of your body) ASAP! Now check out these YouTube videos and get moving girl!
1. The hip lift: I love this exercise because not only does it work out your butt, but it also helps relieve any tension you might have going on in your lower back. Lay flat on a yoga mat with your arms at your sides and your knees bent with feet on the floor. Now lift your hip towards the ceiling holding for 1 count and then lower back down. Repeat for 60 seconds.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU4NPbnQG4I
2. Dumbbell squats: Intensify your squat exercises by adding weights to the equation. Start off by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a set of 5-10 pounds dumbbells (whatever your preference) in hands. Now squat down as if you were to sit in a chair while holding on to the dumbbells. Do 20 reps.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9O7EOXVIKY
3. Kettlebell squats: I'm actually a huge fan of kettlebell squats. It's a similar concept to dumbbell squats but I feel the intensity even more in my glutes with kettlebells. It also helps keep a good balance. Stand with your feet wide apart and hold a heavy kettlebell in front of you making sure your palms are facing towards you. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor but always keep your chest lifted. Then pause and come back to standing position. Do 20 reps.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1yWTp8QkNU
4. Bulgarian foot squats: These aren't just great for your butt, they tone your legs (especially calves) too. All you need is a chair and a yoga mat. Place the top of one leg on the chair and the other one forward on the mat. Make sure you get your balance before you start. Now lower your body while keeping your abs engaged at the same time and come back up. Do three sets of 10.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmcLB9ObdOM
5. Dumbbell but lunges: Forward lunges with dumbbells are great because they target your butt, hips and legs. Make sure you suck in your belly, step forward with your right foot and then drop straight down while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Now step up and back and alternate with the next leg. Do 20 reps.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSjmZvadoV4
Image via Dania Ramirez/Instagram