The human body is both beautiful (have you seen J.Lo's?) and disgusting at the same time. The disgusting part is something we don't think much about. The only times we do is if we are fixated on our flaws. However, there's more than meets the eye when it comes to our bodies and it is NOT a pretty sight.
I'm not even talking about your chichos or your stretch marks. In fact, it goes beyond that and it's pretty GROSS!
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If you only knew how gross your body is right now, you probably would retch from the disgust. The good thing is though that certain things can't be seen with the naked eye. It doens't matter if you are the cleanest person out there, you still have some gross things on your person that you weren't aware of.
If you can stomach it, check out of list of the grossest things on your body below!
1. The amount of bacteria in your belly button is just … ugh. The belly button is one of those weird holes in your body that you tend to neglect. As a result, there are over 2,000 different types of bacteria breeding in there. Some are still unknown!
2. Fingernails are a petri dish of germs. You touch everything with your hands, including raw meats and dirty bathrooms. Therefore your nails are filled with lots of bacteria and Studies have found that they cause most stomach problems, such as diarrhea or nausea.
3. There's poop on you at all times. Yes, even if you wipe well. The is that humans will always have some poop residue on their anus. This is why you should always make sure you wash your underwear in hot water!
4. Mites live on your body. We worry about insecets such as spiders crawling on us, that we don't realize we ALREADY have mites living on us. Demodex mites also known as face mites live on your eyelashes and are more prominent if you have oily skin. There are as many as 25 mites living in one eyelash follicle, but thankfully they are harmless.
5. You are constantly shedding dead skin. In an hour you are shedding over 600,000 particles of dead skin. In a year that adds up to 1.5 pounds of dead skin. Yuck!
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