If you're looking to shed some pounds, we all know that the best formula is to exercise and eat as nutritiously as possible. But there are also certain tricks you might have never heard of that, when coupled with a healthy lifestyle, can also help boost weight loss. They're quick and easy to follow and don't involve treadmills! So what are they?
Read more ¿Qué más?____: Lose weight with this yummy Chia Fresca drink!
Below, check out five weird tricks to help you lose weight:
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Keep your desk tidy

Research says that the tidier space you work, the more likely you are choose to a healthy snack! So start organizing!
Pay with cash

Paying with cold hard cash instead of a credit card not only helps you keep track of money, it also helps you pick out healthier foods.
Lower your room temperature

Studies have found that participants who slept in a 66-degree room burned at least seven percent more calories while sleeping than those who slept in a warmer, 75-degree room.

The smell of peppermint can help make you feel less hungry, which in turn will lower your calorie intake.

Indulging in a little dark chocolate now and then can curb your sweet tooth cravings and increase your food satisfaction, so you won't end up binging on junk food later on.