After the Holidays, besides beautiful memories spent with family and friends, many of us are left with a few extra pounds. The food fest that begins with Thanksgiving and ends with New Year's is enough to leave any of us tipping the scale highter than we wanted to. Same thing with the end of our kids' holiday vacation. Once the vacation ends, besides leaving us fond memories of the time we spent with the children, the time off also leaves us several extra pounds.
But don't panic–instead regain your figure with this apple diet, which is fabulous when it's time to drastically remove those extra pounds. Let's do it together!
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Of course, you should previously make sure that you have no medical condition that prevents you from doing it, so always consult your doctor before starting any diet.
When you start following this weight loss regimen you'll notice that the first things you reduce are the abdomen and the waist. It's also normal if you notice that some acne; this is due to the detoxification process in your body.
Exercise and drink at least eight glasses of water a day while on this diet. According to the website Alimentaciónsana.com you can lose up to 10 pounds in a week if you follow it step-by-step. Do it for only one week, and continue with healthy eating habits after you're done so you don't gain it all back!
First day: This day is the hardest of all, if you manage to overcome it, the rest will be a breeze. Today you should keep eating apples all day. You can alternate them: green, red and yellow. Any amount you want. You must also drink at least two liters of water.
Second day:
Breakfast: All the apples you want. If you get hungry at mid-morning you know what to snack on: apples.
Lunch: A green salad without dressing, just lemon or vinegar with cottage cheese, little salt.
Dinner: Same as breakfast.
__Third day:
__Breakfast: One slice of bread, a slice of turkey ham and an apple.
Lunch: An abundant green salad including carrots and celery.
Dinner: All the apples you want.
__Fourth day:
__Breakfast: One slice of bread, a slice of turkey ham and an apple.
Lunch: Steamed vegetables salad–no potatoes–natural tuna or crab, garnish with lemon.
Dinner: A bowl of rice cereal with a cup of skim milk.
Fifth day:
Breakfast: 1 apple, 1 boiled egg and 1 whole wheat bun.
Lunch: A raw vegetables salad, plus a portion of protein that can be grilled red or white meat.
Dinner: All the apples you want.
On the sixth and seventh day simply repeat the fifth day's menu.
I start tomorrow! Tell me how it goes for you!
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