Ok, I have to admit that I'm not spinach's number one fan. Actually, I WASN'T spinach's number one fan. When I discovered my love for green smoothies, I found myself forced to give spinach a good try and I'm ever so grateful for having done so because I love it! It's miraculous benefits alone (it's a great source of iron, beta carotene, fiber, anti-oxidant, potassium and the list goes on and on), are enough to make anyone fall in love with this green leaf that has become so popular. Spinach is often the main ingredient in any smoothie I prepare. Hope you like this one as much as I do!
More from MamásLatinas: Tropical turmeric weight loss smoothie to banish your belly
1 cup of fresh spinach
1 cup of frozen passion fruit pulp
1 teaspoon of fresh mint
1/2 cup of light coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
1/2 cup of water
Ice cubes
Add all ingredients, except for the ice cubes, to a blender and pulse until smooth. Add ice cubes and blend until smoothie consistency is achieved.
NOTE: Like with everything related to all matters of your health, don't forget to talk to your doctor before starting any diet.