Amy Robach’s shocking cancer diagnosis could save your life

ABC reporter Amy Robach was asked to get a mammogram live on Good Morning America for "GMA Goes Pink" day. She didn't want to do it, she had put off getting her first mammogram for about year and it took some convincing from colleagues to get her to accept the challenge and hopefully inspire many other women to get their first mammogram because mammograms save lives, they really do. The mammogram that Amy Robach took on October 1, in front of millions of people quite literally saved her life.

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When the mammogram was over, Robach went about her business as a busy person does and weeks later she went back for what she thought would be follow-up images and within hours found out that she has breast cancer. On November 14, she is scheduled to have a bilateral mastectomy followed by reconstructive surgery. If she hadn't agreed, hadn't been encouraged to get that mammogram, she wouldn't have known and she wouldn't have gotten help until who knows when. Full disclosure here: Robach is the wife of our company's co-founder, Andrew Shue (small world).

Robach's story really touches me because I am 42 years old and have not gotten my first mammogram. Oh, I have a good excuse. Up until a couple of months ago, I was still nursing and when I would get the friendly reminder from my doctor's office, I would tell them I was nursing and they would encourage me to get in touch when I stopped. Well, I've stopped and I haven't gotten in touch. After telling my husband Robach's story, the very first thing he said to me was, "And when are you going to get your mammogram?"

It's awful that Robach has cancer, but I am so glad she had the courage to get a mammogram on-camera because she caught it early on. I wish her the very best possible outcome and I thank her for inspiring other women like me who have been putting off getting their first mammograms to go out and get them because dang it ladies, we have so much to live for.

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Image via ABC