Everyone deals with stress every now and then, but suffering from serious anxiety could have a negative impact on all areas of your life. Luckily, you don't necessarily need to take medication to deal with it. There are plenty of natural remedies that can help keep you calm during a tense period.
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Below, check out six natural ways to battle anxiety:

Omega-3s are good for you in more ways than one–they boost heart health, reduce depression, and can also ease anxiety. One study even found that students who took 2.5 milligrams of mixed omega-3 fatty acids a day for 12 weeks had less anxiety before an exam than students who didn't.
Deep breaths

Yoga-style breathing has been known to be effective at lowering stress and calming the mind. So if you feel you're on the brink of an anxiety attack, take a few deep breaths as a quick way to feel better.

This herb supplement reduces anxiety, but it can also make you very sleepy…so don't take it before work! Try it in the evening when you're looking to calm down before bed.

Chamomile is known to bind to the same parts of brain that are affected by pills like Valium, meaning it can definitely have a calming affect!

Just thirty minutes of exercise can be a powerful antidote to depression and anxiety. And consistent exercise will provide far more long-term benefits, like improved overall health and self-esteem.

The scent of lavender is known for its calming powers and formulated lavendar pills have previously shown an ability to reduce anxiety symptoms.