Horrifying parasites make us want to wash our hands a hundred times a day

As if I need another reason to fear bugs, this new video by AsapScience, "The Most Horrifying Parasites," starts buzzing around the internet scaring the living day lights out of all of us. Parasites aren't just creepy crawlers, they're nasty creatures like pinworms that lay eggs in your anus. Yes your anus! They can even lead to terrifying diseases like Elephantiasis, one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Are you terrified enough yet?

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If you've ever gotten lazy about washing your hands, this video will quickly help you adopt that habit and quick. And I must warn you, it'll leave you so paranoid you'll find yourself itching and scratching the entire time you watch it.

"Pinworm eggs are often eaten because of contaminated or dirty hands. The eggs hatch immature in your gut, at which point the adult female exists the anus to lay a new batch of eggs on the surrounding skin. Your butthole becomes a nest," they explain in the video using cute cartoon animation. But what happens next is NOT so cute.

It winds up causing intense itching in your butthole and many times even leads you to re-contaminate your hands or fingernails, which can wind up in your mouth again continuing the nasty cycle. If you think that's gross, prepare yourself to gag on the part about pubic lice. Apparently they don't just nest in your pubic hairs, they can also get in beards and even your eyebrows. And the only way to get rid of them is to basically shave your hair off.

The next parasite might make you consider giving up sushi or ceviche for good. Anisakis Nematode parasites live off sea creatures.They can live in raw dishes like sushi or ceviche, causing you severe abdominal pain. Good thing they eventually die, because they can't grow in a human stomach.

I really wish I could tell you it ends here, but the video goes on and on about more horrifying parasites that actually exists. Scared out of your mind yet? Then I highly suggest you start compulsively washing your hands from here on unless you want creepy parasites living in your ass, stomach, or pubes!

Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulK9XUd_hh8

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