If you've been in a supermarket at all this fall, then you've probably noticed the pomegranate fruit being sold everywhere. This seeded apple is not like all the other fruits out there. You only eat the seeds found inside this exotic fruit which provides you with tons of nutrients, including many weight loss benefits. Now that I have you intrigued by this ruby red gem, you will love learning about all the health benefits it can provide for you.
More from MamásLatinas: 5 Best fruits for weight loss
If you've ever savored pomegranate, you know that the fruit tastes sweet and delicious, not to mention that it's full of little seeds! For first timers it's an awkward experience because the skin is too thick to bite into and you have to peel it apart to get to the good stuff.
This super food is perfect for the fall and winter, but the best part is it can last you up to two months! To learn more about this amazing fruit check out its health benefits below.
It's got anti-aging benefits: Ladies, if you want to preserve your youthful looks, eat some pomegranate! The polyphenol antioxidants are rich in this fruit and it is known to slow down aging.
It gives your immune system a boost: WIth the winter coming you know that this is the time when you get sick the most. These seeds protect you by boosting your immune system which keeps you from getting sick.
It reduces belly fat: Studies have shown that pomegranates block triglycerides, the fat thats bad for your blood. This means the fruit attacks the fat before it can even be stored in your body.
It's high in fiber: If you have a hard time being regular, these seeds will do the trick with their high fiber content. In fact, because of that, you will also eat less because you'll be fuller longer.
It lowers cholesterol: Not surprisingly this super food reduces DLD cholesterol (the bad) and increases HDL (the good one).