We all know spouses, friends and kids can add a lot of love to our lives, but did you know they can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being too? Sustaining your relationships (romantic and otherwise) isn't just important for the sake of packing your schedule and staving off boredom, it's also crucial to your overall health. In fact, research has shown that maintaining an active social life can provide all kinds of surprising benefits.
Below, check out five ways relationships are good for your health:
Marriage is good for your heart...literally!

Last August, a study found a connection between marriage and the reduction of various cardiovascular risks, like high blood pressure. In fact, the results found that for every 10 years of continuous marriage, there was a 13 percent decrease in cardiovascular risk.
Marriage can also help fight cancer

A study published just this month found that marriage may help improve cancer survival rates. According to the findings, men and women who were married were about 20 percent less likely to succumb to cancer during the three-year study period. It's not clear why, but I'd guess it has something to do with having a solid support system to care for you!
Motherhood can make you healthier!

A poll by BabyCenter discovered that 83 percent of more than 20,000 moms said they ate healthier after having a baby, while 65 said they hit the gym more. And if you think about it, it makes total sense: what mother doesn't want to set an example for their kids?
Friends can help you lose weight...

Most people are much more inclined to exercise when they have a gym buddy! Surrounding yourself with people who lead a healthy lifestyle means you are much more likely to follow suit.
...and help you live longer!

Tons of research has connected social relationships with longevity. Why? As you know, spending time with your friends can decrease depression, stress, etc. On the other hand, one study by Psych Central found that low social interaction can be more harmful than not exercising and obesity and is essentially the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.