Okay, have you ever knocked on wood after tempting fate? You know like if you say, "Oh my husband would never cheat on me with the hot Sofia Veragra look-a-like next door" and then you knock on wood just because you don't want to jinx yourself, not because your husband is a total horndog that can't keep it in his pants. Well, a new study called "Reversing One's Fortune By Pushing Away Bad Luck" published by the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that knocking on wood may not actually prevent your horndog husband from having sex with the Sofia Vergara look-a-like, but it will make you feel better.
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Something about the forceful gesture of knocking on wood makes you feel like you are actually pushing bad luck away and helps you not focus on the possible negative outcomes of your having tempted fate. Makes sense, right?
It's also kind of in keeping with the whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing. Instead of thinking a bad thing into reality, you are metaphorically pushing it away. I like it.
Again, there is absolutely no proof that knocking on wood will keep your hubby from pulling his woody out in front of another woman, but it will make you not fret about the perceived consequences of you tempting fate by talking about how he would NEVER EVER do such a thing.
Excuse me while I go knock on some wood and find my husband.
Image via Thinkstock