Losing weight is simple. You have to eat right and exercise. That's it. But just because it's simple doesn't mean that it's easy. Because knowing the right things to do is just the beginning. In order to see results, you have to actually do those things! And that's where the battle begins.
Because while it all sounds simple on paper, in real life, we're faced with distractions that get in our way.
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We have responsibilities that wear us out and make it difficult to stick to our weight loss routine. Our jobs, our kids, our chores–they all compete for our time and energy.
But we can't just give in. understand it may be hard at times to strive towards our goals. But the secrets I'm about to share with you are guaranteed to make it easier. So here are five tips to help you stick to your weight loss program and finally lose all the weight!
Start slow. When we decide to lose weight, we want results fast! So we figure the harder we work in the gym, the faster we'll drop the pounds. The problem is that this causes us to burn out very quickly. By overworking our bodies, we turn our workouts (which should be FUN) into something we dread. That's why it's important to start slow. Don't kill yourself with exercise. Just strive to work a little harder each time. Consistency is the key.
Find a schedule that works for you. We live busy lives. I understand. Sure, it'd be great to be able to exercise an hour a day. But if you have to work full-time, pick the kids up from school, help them with their homework, and then cook them dinner. It's not realistic to think you'll have the time or energy to get that 60 minute workout in. So the key is to find what you CAN do–even if it's just 20 minutes–and make sure you do it consistently.
Get a workout buddy. It becomes much easier to stick to your routine when you have a friend doing it with you. Having a workout buddy helps hold you accountable. They can provide that extra motivation when you're feeling down. Plus, it's just more fun with a friend!
Switch up your routine. When you're getting bored with your routine, don't be afraid to switch it up. Not only does this make it more exciting, but by "shocking your body" with a new workout, it also helps to burn more fat.
Make sure you eat for energy! It's hard to get a good workout in when you're exhausted. That's why it's important to give your body the fuel it needs to perform in the gym. If you eat processed junk, you're going to feel like junk. And if you want to feel like a champion, you have to eat like a champion. Get your protein in. Eat your fruit and veggies. Load up on those healthy complex carbohydrates. By eating the right foods, you'll have the energy needed to push yourself during your workout. And the nutrients needed to recover from that workout, so you can do it again tomorrow.
When you use these tips, you'll find it becomes much easier to stick to your weight loss routine. So try them out and let me know how they work for you in the comments section below.
This post was originally published on August 12, 2013.