You know the old saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away?" Well, not only is there truth to that, but there's something else that comes from an apple which is even healthier for you. Ready to find out what it is? Read on!
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It's apple cider vinegar and it's been used for thousands of years because of its health-boosting properties. Apple cider vinegar is a great source of vitamins. It contains vitamin A, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6. It also contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.
But that's not all: Apple cider vinegar is also rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as the little-known trace minerals our bodies require for good health. And sure, that all sounds good, but what does it actually mean for you?
Well, it means that apple cider vinegar can improve your health in many different ways. Apple cider vinegar is a known remedy for heartburn. It's been shown to relieve sore throats, colds and sinus infections. It can lower high cholesterol levels. It helps clear up skin conditions like acne, rashes or age spots. Numerous people have stated apple cider vinegar helped them with their allergies, improved their digestion, and even relieved joint pain.
But the thing you probably care most about is: Apple cider vinegar has been shown to help you lose weight! And there are a few good reasons why it's so effective: First, it provides important minerals that our body needs to maintain a healthy metabolism. But the real reason why it's such a promising weight loss tool is because of the vinegar.
A 2005 study detailed in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who consumed vinegar were less likely to get hungry between meals. So if you find yourself constantly nibbling on snacks, you might want to start incorporating apple cider vinegar to help kick those cravings. Vinegar also helps with controlling blood sugar. This is very important, because not only does it help prevent the sugar crashes that cause you to crave carbohydrates, but by maintaining stable blood sugar, you are able to avoid those dreaded insulin spikes that cause you to store fat. Prevent those spikes and you're able to keep your body in fat-burning mode, instead of fat-storing mode!
This post was originally published June 20, 2013.
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