Must-have sports gear you should always have at home!

If you're an old-fashioned parent and don't like your kids glued to the TV all day, then the best thing to do is to send them outside to play. But to do that, they need some sports gear on hand in order to get some physical activity in. There is lots of sporting equipment to choose from but you have to make sure to choose the right ones for them.

Your kids are all going to share different sporting interests so it's best to have a variety of gear at home.

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Perhaps even you grew up with a favorite sport. Getting your kids involved in physical activity while they're young is important because it is a healthy habit they will carry into adulthood. This can even influence them to share it with their own kids!

If you're not sure where to begin or if you have the right sporting gear at home then you'll love our simple and useful list. You won't be short of any of the equipment your kids will need!

Basketball: You may have a huge basketball star in your home and not even know it! Buy a ball at your local sporting goods or toy store to keep around. You never know, your boys may enjoy playing some friendly one-on-one together!

Volleyball:  If your daughter is just starting out and learning what sports she likes then volleyball may be a good place to begin. It's relatively easy to bump and toss around and if she gets good enough maybe she'll even try out for her school's volleyball team.

Badminton set: This is the perfect game to have at home for your kids who are aspiring tennis players but are not at the right age yet. Badminton comes with two long racquets and a few "birdies" or targets used to toss around while playing. You'll be surprised, just because it isn't tennis, doesn't mean that you can't get a good workout out in using this kit.

Handball: When I was growing up, handball was an inexpensive yet invigorating game to play. I remember candy stores selling them for a dollar and my classmates spending all afternoon whacking the ball against a wall in the school courtyard. This is a great game for your child to practice their agility and hand-eye coordination.

Soccer ball: If your son or daughter loves watching soccer games with the family then a great step in getting them to participate in the sport is by buying them a soccer ball. They can have friendly competition with their siblings and friends and who knows maybe your kids will join a soccer league.

Baseball: Watching baseball games during the summer time can encourage your kids to want to go out and give it a try themselves. It's also a great way for you and your husband to spend quality time with them while having them practice pitching and swinging a bat.

Jump rope: Growing up I loved jumping rope. It was a good way to get exercise in, plus I would challenge myself as to how long I could keep going. It was a hard feat, but it's a cheap and excellent form of exercise equiment to keep around. Even you can use it!

Hula hoop: Your kids will love the challenge of keeping this hoop on their hips. they can spend hours trying to maintain the rhythm of the hoop by keeping it up. You will be surprised to see how fierce some hula hoop competitions can get!

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