I'm sure when you hear the word "poop," you can't help but let out a giggle because of what it signifies. Despite the bodily function being humorous, there is a serious side to poop. It can tell you a lot about your health before you even make a doctor's visit! Did you know that by observing your poop you can tell you if your organs are malfunctioning?
Now I'm not saying you have to get knee deep in your poop (that's just gross) to determine your well being. But in times of illness, it's a good idea to acknowledge it because your bowel movements can reveal A LOT more than you think.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Woman gets life saving poop transplant from mom
There's nothing pretty or appealing about fecal matter, but believe it or not, knowing how your poop looks can even save your life! I know, I know, poop is a disgusting topic, but it's natural and well, hello, it's YOUR poop.
If you're done being grossed out by all this poop talk, then you're ready to hear about the health factors it can do for you. Without further ado (I couldn't help myself) these at the top things your poop may be telling you…
Poop shape: Your poop shape is important to observe because it is the first sign of a healthy or unhealthy system. If your poop looks like pellets, it means you are constipated , but watery poop can mean that you are not absorbing necessary nutrients. In addition, it may be a sign of Crohn's disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Poop color: The color of your bowel movements can sometimes lead to an important health diagnosis. If you don't experience poop that's simply brown, read the following tips: Black poop could be a result of too much iron or bleeding in the top part of the GI tract. If you release white poop, this could mean that your pancreas is malfunctioning or pancreatic cancer. Bowel movements that are yellowish and white signify possible gallbladder disease. Red poop is a warning that indicates bleeding in the GI tract, hemorrhoids, cancer, and diverticulitis. Meanwhile, if you're experience green colored bowel movements, you may be suffering from Crohn's disease.
Smell: One of the grossest things about poop is its smell. Besides making you pinch your nose, your poop's odor can warn you about your system. If it smells very strong and greasy, your body is not absorbing fats well. This can affect the gastrointestinal tract, liver and colon.
Consistency: If you have a hard time when it comes to pooping, this may mean your consistency is not healthy. Loose or watery stools can mean that you have a bacterial infection or food allergies. If you can't even go, you're constipated and your body is telling you that you need more whole grains and menthol teas like peppermint to solve your issue.
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