There's a new STD that's spreading through North America, Europe, and Asia, called Gonorrhea HO41–and its scarier than anything else out there. In fact, doctors are finding it to be even deadlier than AIDS. One strain of this could lead a person to fall into a septic shock and possibly die in a matter of days. How terrifying is that? Which means that if you're still not practicing safe sex, you might want to get on it ASAP!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Got an STD but not sure what it is? There's an app for that!
The disease was first detected in Japan back in 2011 by a female Japanese sex worker. But doctors have discovered it in patients living in California, Hawaii, and Norway. If the STD goes untreated, it can lead to a load of health issues like increasing chances of contracting HIV, issues with infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, infections in the blood stream, and even death. But the scary thing is that doctors believe that this could be even more dangerous than AIDS!
"This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," naturopathic doctor Allan Christianson told CNBC. Doctors fear that the disease is starting to spread rapidly too, especially because when it comes to gonorrhea the systems aren't always immediately noticeable. So a lot people who have it, may not know they have it.
According to the Daily Mail, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been asking congress for $54 million to help find an antibiotic to help treat the so-called "sex superbug," which is a resistant strain of gonorrhea. Even though no deaths have so far been reported, experts are strongly suggesting that people practice safe sex to to avoid contracting the disease at all.
I've always believed that people should practice safe sex no matter what! But now with this scary disease spreading around, more reason to not slack off. You should always be using a condom (if you're not in a serious, commited relationship), and if you're starting a new relationship get your partner tested ASAP. There's really no excuse not to, and honestly why take the risk?
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