They key to keeping your waistline small may have something to do with the timing of each meal. A new study reveals that the key to maintaining a healthy weight is by following the body clock rule. Researchers found that by having a large lunch and a small dinner, it allows your body to properly make use of the sugar in food to turn into energy.
The study showed that the body's ability to make use of the sugar we consume, fluctuates throughout the day according to our body clock. And by tuning into this timing can be the key to maintaining a healthy weight.
The results in this study appear sound compared to other weight loss claims. It's frustrating for someone trying to lose weight to figure out the right method when there are so many diets and health myths out there. But this could be a healthy method to help those looking to lose weight, or maintain their weight loss in a natural manner. After all, all you're doing is listening to your body and it isn't some crazy diet fad.
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According to the Daily Mail, the study was conducted at Vanderbuilt University on mice in order to measure their insulin hormone levels. Insulin is what converts sugar in our foods into energy we use throughout the day. What researchers discovered was quite interesting. It turns out that the mice could not handle insulin at times when they should be asleep. They also learned that those mice that had an out of whack body clock had an even bigger problem coping with the sugar both day and night. This is what leads to weight gain and causes extra fat storage.
So why is it so important to listen to the body clock? Professor Carl Johnson who conducted the study says that our metabolism is controlled by the body clock which burns more energy during the day when we are more active. He added that we don't metabolize food the same way during day and night time as shown in the mice who were able to handle food better during waking hours.
Johnson recommends that we all follow a diet, in which our lunch consists of our main meal; dinners are small and no post-dinner snacks. He explains that it is important that the body fasts between dinner and breakfast time and which can help manage the calories you end up taking in during the day.
It makes sense that when we eat can influence the way our body breaks down food. I've noticed that I feel more sluggish and eat worse after a huge dinner the night before compared to when I eat lightly in the evening time. If you are looking to lose weight or are simply trying to maintain your weight, maybe all you need to do is obey your bodily clock.
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