Cancer is not a funny matter, but the joke was on a Reddit.com poster after he decided to take a pregnancy test in jest. It may sound dumb that he took a pregnancy test, but it may have saved his life!
His "joke" actually showed him that he he had testicular cancer. How can a pregnancy test can detect cancer? Well, that's what makes this story so shocking!
The poster–whose name hasn't been revealed–wrote about his results on the website in the form of a comic which showed a double pink line. The post received more than 1,300 comments, after one commenter warned him that the positive test may mean that he had the disease.
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How? According to doctors, the hormone beta human chorionic gonadotropin (Beta hCG) is produced by pregnant women and some men with testicular cancer. The test detects Beta hGC), which can indicate pregnancy or in those rare cases, cancer in men! "There are very few things that produce beta HCg, and testicular cancer is one of them," Oncologist Dr. Mark Pomerantz said to ABC News. Not surprisingly, the man decided to have himself checked after the Reddit comments– and tests found that he had a lump on his right testicle!
It's scary that this was a joke gone awry for this man, but I'm glad to hear that he was smart enough to get checked. Luckily for him, the cancer was caught early but he may have to have his right testicle surgically removed. Much like women, men should be doing monthly exams too! It's better to be safe than sorry, and if it wasn't for this silly joke, this man may have had a close call with death.
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