For many teens, smoking marijuana is not a big deal. Most considered pot harmless compared to other much more dangerous and harmful drugs, but what they don't realize is that several studies show otherwise. That's why if you know a young man who uses marijuana, make sure he reads this article.
It turns out that a new study has found that recreational or medical marijuana use may be associated with an increased risk of developing testicular cancer–a disease that is the most common in men under 35.
Read more in ¿Qué más?: Teens who smoke pot could have lower IQ as adults (VIDEO)
When they noticed that testicular cancer cases were increasing, researchers at the University of Southern California decided to go in search of the cause. According to Victoria Cortessis, professor of preventive medicine at the university, she and her colleagues asked themselves: "What is it that young men are doing more frequently that could account for the increased risk?"
What they discovered–and published Monday in the journal Cancer–is that men who confessed to having used marijuana were twice as likely to get testicular cancer than those who did not use drugs. Additionally, these men's tumors also grew faster and were more difficult to treat.
Although nowadays men suffering from testicular cancer usually survive, their treatment could have adverse effects on their fertility or sexual function.
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So if you know your son, your brother, your nephew, your husband or any other young man uses marijuana, ask them to take a look at this study so they can see that this drug is not as harmless as they like to believe.
What do you think about this study's finding? Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a comment below.
Image via miggslives/flickr