I never really thought that the agencies within the U.S. government had a sense a humor. I mean, maintaining the country is pretty serious work, right? Well, now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is proving that they have quite the funny bone with new zombie apocalypse posters that are designed to help prepare you for the impending bath salts-induced cannibal-happy possible zombie apocalypse–well, and any other disaster for that matter.
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The CDC's zombie-preparedness campaign actually started last year and, in preparation for Zombie Awareness Month in October, other government agencies like FEMA are taking notice and figuring out how to use pop culture references (including ones to shows like The Walking Dead) to promote getting ready for real disasters. It's actually a pretty genius way to educate the public about what to do in real emergencies, since preparing for a zombie apocalypse isn't that much different than preparing for an earthquake or hurricane. In fact, FEMA's Danta Randazzo likes the idea because:
"Zombie-preparedness messages and activities have proven to be an effective way of engaging new audiences, particularly young people who are not familiar with what to do before, during or after a disaster. It's also a great way to grab attention and increase interest in general."
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I say: well played, CDC, well played. A zombie apocalypse preparedness poster, as silly as that sounds, is definitely going to make me pay a bit more attention. Do I have an emergency survival kit? Well, I certainly will now!
How to Survive a Zombie Attack on Howcast
What do you think of the CDC's creative way of alerting people to be prepared for disaster? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Centers For Disease Control