I generally consider myself a happy person and it really doesn't take much to lift my spirits. But there are definitely other women who have a harder time getting past a bad mood and now there may be proof as to why. Scientists have discovered a new gene called monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), that apparently affects women's happiness.
I'm guessing the women who are grumpy and unpleasant are lacking a little MAOMA in their life. But scientists also discovered that this little gene not only affects our happiness but it can also determine if we'll have certain bad habits.
According to the new study, over 193 women and 152 men had their genes analyzed as and they found that women with at least one copy of the MAOMA gene reported higher levels of happiness. Wow, so we can have more than ONE of these genes? I'll take 20!
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Scientists say the reason for the happiness factor is because many mood elevating neurotransmitters are released through the gene. But if our happiness is influenced by the components of this gene, why aren't men affected by it too? it turns out that men's testosterone may be the prime reason that they are unable to experience it the way we do, but more tests would need to be done.
This would also explain why women express higher levels of reported self-reported happiness than men.The other interesting aspect of this new discovery is that researchers found that those who lacked the gene were more likely to be alcoholics, antisocial, and aggressive.
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Just goes to show us that men really are from mars (just kidding). Well, gene or no gene, a great pair of shoes can brighten up my day any day.
Would you consider yourself an overall happy person? Tell us in the comments box below!
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