I hate being sick! There's no worse feeling.__ Ever since I was kid I hated getting sick, but in the end it was tolerable because all I had to do is lie in bed to rest and someone would look after me.
But that's hardly the case anymore. When you're a mother, getting sick takes on a whole new meaning. As a mom, avoiding sickness becomes a survival skill, because "How on earth can one manage being sick with two little kids and zero help?"
It's impossible! And yet I do it–like millions of Moms out there–because like them, I have no option.
I hardly get sick because my immune system is quite hardy. But still, there are times when I'm exposed, just like everyone else living in this city. Like when you ride the subway and some inconsiderate idiot sneezes or coughs on you.
Public service announcement: Hey adults, cover your mouth when you cough! Didn't they teach you this in school?
I've been suffering for the last couple of days with a terrible strep infection that made me feel like a train wreck. I couldn't even swallow water that's how bad it was. But the worst part is that my little boy got sick too and just getting us in to see the doctor (the pediatrician and mine), was as exhausting and energy draining as running a marathon.
After four days, we're both feeling better and I'm hoping that my daughter doesn't get sick too, because the one thing that is way worst than getting sick is watching your kids feel terrible.
My kept calling me from Mexico over the last few days to tell me: "Get plenty of rest."
I'm all like, "Are you kidding Mom? How? How do I get rest if I have two kids to look after?"
I even asked my doctor if there was any kind of medicine that could speed up my recovery but he just laughed and told me to take my antibiotics for five days. FIVE DAYS?!?! That's like an eternity!
Anyways, now that I'm back in circulation and starting to feel like my old-self, I have been meditating on all this situation and here is a bit of good advice:
– If someone is sick in your family, do what you can to either avoid them or have as little contact with them as possible. If they feel bad they will get over it, just don't get sick.
– Aside from schools (which are impossible to avoid) stay away from grimy public places like subways, cinemas, stores and public bathrooms. There's a good chance that you could pick up something.
– Try to eat healthily, especially at breakfast. Stock up on vitamins and fiber in the mornings.
– Keep warm and wear warm clothes. Above all: don't step into the cold with wet or damp hair. This is no Grandma myth, it's very true.
– Drink plenty of water. If you think you've drank enough, keep drinking anyway.
– Get enough sleep or your immune system may be weakened. I know it's beautiful to stay up when the kids are down but if you go to sleep right after them, you will be thankful, I promise.
– Get a flu shot every year and have everyone around you get a flu shot as well.
– Gargling lemon water with grain salt can deal with a sore throat. This is another awesome remedy from abuelita.
Have a healthy spring!
Do you have any tips on how to get better fast or avoid getting sick all together?
Image via Ambrose Little/flickr