Saving money and maintaining a clean home is constantly part of our "do-to" list. You can instantly complete these tasks by using natural cleaning products that are already lying around in your home! You will also be exposing your family to less toxic chemicals that can be found in the pre-packaged bottled stuff. You will be amazed at how many natural cleaning products you already have in your pantry, medicine cabinet or refrigerator! Go natural! I'll show you how.
Readmore ¿Qué más?: It's easy being green: Natural home cleaning tips & tricks
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White wine

We all have a little white wine on hand for a little home happy hour gathering. Believe it or not, white wine has stain-lifting properties. If your friends manage to spill red wine on your clothes, now you know which bottle to grab!
Corn starch

This recipe can replace your window or glass cleaner. Simply mix one tablespoons of corn starch with 1/4 cup of vinegar and 2 cups warm water in a water bottle. Spray your glass and window surfaces and watch the magic happen!

Lemons have disinfecting compounds that are great to clean off dirty surfaces like cutting boards or sinks. Squeeze the juice directly into a sponge and wipe away.

Coarse salt and water could help dissolve shower grit or sink stains on silver accents like water handles. These pieces will look shiner in seconds!

Tea is said to clean your digestive system, but the same could be said about your floors. Mix a few tea bags in a bucket of hot water. Allow to steep and cool and then use mixture to mop with. It will lift stains like nobody's business!

Vinegar is like a cleaning wonder. Use it to lean your counter tops, sink, or anywhere that you want to leave sparkly clean naturally. The acid is a natural disinfectant and a natural deodorizer. Use it to clean pet odors and floors. It works for so much!

A natural way to clean tarnished pots and pans is to pour a little ketchup, rub with a cleaning cloth and wash with soap and water. Your cookware will look brand new!
Baking soda

Burn marks and grit from roasting pans are one of the hardest things to clean. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of baking soda and add warm water. Soak overnight and rinse the next day for a sparkly clean pan!

You can make your own natural air freshner at home! In a spray bottle, add one piece of skinned and sliced ginger, one slice of lemon and a quart of water. Spray away!
Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide isn't just good for disinfecting cuts. Soak your dirty sponge with 50 percent hydogen peroxide and 50 percent water. You'll end up with one that looks almost new and it will be germ free.
Aluminum foil

My husband loves to use aluminum foil to clean (on those rare and special occasions). Grab a bunch of aluminum foil and shape it into a ball. Then pour a bit of vinegar on the surface you wish to clean and scrub. This works great on the oven surface.