Candy canes are all over the place around Christmas time and yes, they are refreshingly delicious, but often you have more than you can possibly eat. What are you supposed to do with all those leftover candy canes? Don't worry, there is no need to toss them or try to save them for next year. I've got five great ways to use leftover candy canes.
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1. Turn candy canes into simple syrup. Simple syrup is a solution of sugar in water; in this case it would be a solution of candy canes in water that you cook up yourself. What would you use it for? You could pour it over ice cream, use it for cocktails or even in hot drinks.
2. Use the candy canes as stirrers in hot drinks. Serve hot chocolate or even hot coffee drinks with candy canes. As they get stirred around and melt, they will flavor the beverage.
3. Blend candy canes into milkshakes. If you are making a milkshake, go on and toss a candy cane in there for some minty crunch.
4. Use candy canes for baked goods. You can bake crushed candy canes into brownies, cakes and cookies or you can sprinkle them as decoration on top of frosted cupcakes and cakes.
5. Use candy canes to infuse vodka. I love the idea of infusing vodka with candy canes. I might love the idea of drinking that infused vodka even more.
Now press play on the video below where all of the great ideas above came from. You'll see how easy it is to use your leftover candy canes and it will probably even spark some more ideas for you. Most importantly you will learn how easy it is to infuse vodka with candy canes. I'm not gonna lie, that might be my favorite way of all to use leftover candy canes.
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