Surely my closet can't be the only closet full of more clothes that don't get worn than actual clothes that do get worn? Tell me you find yourself with things that need to go in your ropero too because amigas misery loves company. Let's deal with this now before it gets absurd, okay? You know you need to maximize your closet space and I guarantee you that there are things in your closet that you need to get rid of now because all they are doing is taking up valuable space.
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I don't know about you, but part of why I have such a hard time getting rid of things in my closet is that I have this scarcity mentality that I find hard to shake. Like I can't possibly get rid of something that is clearly out of style because eventually it may come back into style and what if I can't replace it when I want it. That is just utter nonsense and NOT true. Let's get rid of what no longer suits us to streamline the process of finding the clothing that does work for us in the now AND to make room for the wonderful clothing that is surely headed our way.
Click through the gallery I've put together of items in your closet that you need to toss NOW or donate, it's totally okay to donate them if they are still usable.
Image via Corbis Images
Never again

Never again items are pieces of clothing that you wore once and will NEVER wear again. Think bridesmaid dresses or a Halloween costume that you are never going to resurrect.
Anything stained

Unless you are saving a stained shirt to paint in or dye your hair, there is really no reason to keep stained clothing. I know you love it and it's totally cute whatever it is, but you know what's not cute? Wearing stained clothes is not cute.
Anthing with holes

So maybe you bought some demin that came with holes that are supposed to be there or you have some lace in your wardrobe, fine you can keep that stuff, but anything with holes that aren't supposed to be there needs to go pronto.
Always too skinny jeans

I get wanting to fit back into your skinny jeans and holding on to them, but holding on to the skinny jeans that were too skinny even when you were at your skinniest is doing you no good. Get rid of them!
Those shoes

You know the shoes I'm talkin' about, the ones that hurt and give you blisters every single time you try and wear them. Whether you call them pinchy shoes or pinche shoes, you need to kick them to the curb.
Ugly stuff

The ugly ass clothes people (i.e. your mother or abuela) have given you and you keep just in case they ever ask about them and want to see you in them need to get tossed. Buh bye! If your mom or abuela asks, change the subject, start sneezing or scream that you have diarrhea and run to the bathroom.
Designer catastrophe

I know, I feel your pain. That designer dress looked so bitchen on the runway and you ordered it in your size only to find out that you look like a piñata in it. As they sing in Frozen, "Let it go!"
The impulse buy

OMG, it was such a deal and it was the only one in your size left. If you didn't buy it, it would be gone and surely you would regret it. It's been hanging in your closet with the price tag on it for about 2 years now. Say adios!
Those freebies

It was free and nobody wanted it except you because it was FREE! Amiga sometimes you get exactly what you pay for. Get rid of those freebie boxy t-shirts. You deserve better.
Fix it or nix it

If you have items in your closet that you love, but don't fit right or need to be fixed, then either get them fixed or get rid of them. Seriously, they are not going to walk themselves over to a sewing machine and fix themselves.
Bygone Era

Things you haven't worn since high school and that was 10 years ago? Chuck 'em! I'd say get rid of anything you haven't worn in the last two years. Some people are more extreme and suggest getting rid of anything you haven't worn in a year.