5 Ways to feel and eat fresh

Forget New Year's! Summer is the season for a fresh start!

Every January I make resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more and generally take better care of my body (and soul). But New Year's Day comes in the dead of winter and unless you're living in a nice, warm place year-round, it means being stuck inside on the treadmill and rewarding your boring workout with too many unhealthy comfort foods. Winter makes it way too easy to cover up bulges and bellies with big bulky sweaters and boyfriend jeans.

So I have officially adopted summer as the season for a fresh start. First of all, if you're anything like me, your built-in incentive kicks in the first time you pull out those sleeveless tops and shorts and cringe.  I have found that if I follow these five simple guidelines, I'm feeling better about myself in no time at all.

Start the day out fresh. It doesn't matter what you did the day before. Or for the past two days, or two weeks. It doesn't matter that you went to the mall instead of the gym or chose the beef empanadas over the garden salad. There's nothing you can do about it now. You may have blown it, but that doesn't mean you have to keep blowing it. Remember, one day of damage is easy to repair, but a week is harder to get back and a month harder still. So, pat yourself on the back for what you're going to do TODAY and get back on track.

Measure it out. Anyone who has ever been successful at losing weight will tell you the only way it works is to watch what you eat. And that means being accountable and keeping track of every morsel that makes it to your mouth. It's not as daunting as you may think and there are tricks to make it easier. One of the things I do is pre-measure my snacks. I have found that I don't have to give anything up as long as I don't overdo it. Ziploc® snack bags are perfect for my daily treats. I measure out an ounce of cashews, pretzels or even chocolate chips. I know I get one bag a day and that setting pre-set limits works!

Find a fresh routine. That goes for both exercise and eating healthier. Take advantage of the extended daylight hours. Wake up an hour earlier and go for a walk. It's easier than you think. Leave your walking clothes out just get out of bed and out the door! Come home and enjoy some fresh fruit and low-fat yogurt for breakfast and you've set the tone for a great day.

Take it with you. If you plan ahead, you're much better off. There's nothing better than summer's fresh fruits and vegetables and if they are as easy to grab as a handful of chips, you'll find you'll eat them much more often. A small Ziploc® container is a perfect way to transport fresh strawberries, sweet red grapes and juicy chunks of cantaloupe. Zucchini strips, carrot sticks and celery stalks all travel well in Ziploc® bags and provide the crunch you crave. Try freezing a little bit of water in a Ziploc® freezer bag and putting it inside a larger bag to keep your treats cold.

Find a fresh way to work out. Walking is my go-to exercise simply because there's no equipment, no travel time and no cost. But to give your fresh start a boost, add some weight training to your routine. Invest in a pair of five pound weights, or even use what you have around the house. Turn those diet soda bottles and coffee cans into weights. Do squats using your kitchen chairs, use a broom for a balance stick, do planks on your living room floor. And when you're finished, reach into your Ziploc® containers with your pre-cut fresh fruit and start your day off right!

Image via © istock/dwiputrirats