6 Easy ways to customize a basic crib

Some people invest mega bucks on a crib and that is totally their prerogative, but I do not recommend it. I made the mistake of registering for one of those cribs that turns into a bed frame that can be used later and thought that would mean my kid would be set until she was 18 years old. Guess what happened? The crib got recalled! That made me rethink my whole crib philosophy. I decided cribs are not meant to be forever furniture, so why invest so much money in something that is temporary?

That doesn't mean that you or your baby have to be stuck with some boring big box store crib. Nope, you can customize a simple crib and make it a one of a kind temporary treasure.

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Here are six ways to customize a basic crib and make it feel unique!

Paint it


Something as simple as painting a basic crib a beautiful color can make it feel unique.

Wallpaper it


I love this idea of putting wallpaper on one wall and adding it to the sides of a crib. It looks great and ties everything together.

Chalk it up


This is so cute for twins. You get them matching cribs then paint the sides with chalkboard paint and you can write each baby's name on the crib. Of couse you can do this for a single baby too.

Shelve it


This is a brilliant bookshelf crib hack. I love it and it's so useful.

Canopy it


This is a clever canopy hack added to a basic crib. It really does give the crib a one of kind feel.

Tuft it up


Adding DIY tufted detailing to a crib really gives it a special touch.