Looking to lose those pesky chichos? Then you might want to lay low on the red meat, butter and cheese. New research has found that saturated fats found in fatty cuts of meat, cake, biscuits along with much more, causes fat to build around the waist and organs. Not only will they give you a muffin top but they can also lead to serious health conditions like high cholesterol or heart disease!
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The study found that people who eat less saturated fats and more polyunsaturated fats that are found in salmon and walnuts gained less fat (especially around their waists) and gained more muscle. They were also less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes, unlike the group of people who were eating lots of saturated fats. In other words, fats don't necessarily lead to a panza and health conditions, it's all about what kind of fats you're incorporating into your diet. And it looks like polyunsaturated fats are the way to go. Here are five foods that can help you banish a muffin top ASAP!
1. Salmon: The polyunsaturated fats and omega-3s found in salmon can actually help reduce fat storage by lowering cortisol levels. It can also help you build muscle which helps you burn more calories so eat up!
2. Walnuts: The next time you're craving a snack, ditch the potatoes chips and have a handful of walnuts instead. Like salmon, walnuts are filled with omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid that helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces fat, and also reduces the risk of heart diseases.
3. Olive oil: Believe it or not, olive oil is also really good at banishing a muffin top. Studies have found that it helps reduce the risk of abdominal obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Try replacing your butters for safflower oil.
4. Sunflower seeds: Aside from being packed with polyunsaturated fats, sunflower seeds are also loaded with B vitamins which help prevent inflammation. Did I mention they also work as a great appetite suppressor? I throw them in my oatmeal and salads.
5. Almond butter: Spread almond butter instead of regular butter on your whole grains. It's one of the healthiest fats out there. It provides 1.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat per serving (2 tablespoons). Not bad right? It also taste delicious!
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