How many times have you been in the kitchen cooking up a storm when you figure out that you are totally missing something that you need? And it's not always a food ingredient either, sometimes it's that you realize you are out of soap or twine. It absolutely sucks and the last thing you want to do is leave everything and go to the store. That's when you're lucky if you have a neighbor that you can go to, but if you don't, then sometimes you just try to make do with what you do have. That's why I really appreciate the saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention." I would modify it to say, neccesity is the mother of adaptation, which is the prefect description for these three kitchen hacks that you can thank your dentist for. Yup, your dentist!
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I wish I could say I came up with these hacks myself, but no, these tips have been shared via word of mouth for awhile and via the internet more recently. They keep getting shared because they work.
- Unflavored dental floss. Unflavored dental floss can come to your kitchen rescue in a couple of ways. It is great for cutting things like cakes or goat cheese. It makes clean slices where a knife might make a mess. You can also use it in place of kitchen twine; it works for tying meat, poultry, or herbs.
- Mouthwash. There are certain odors that stick to your hands like garlic. If you have tried scrubbing your hands and the odor just won't go away use a couple of tablespoons of mouthwash to deodorize your hands.
- Denture cleaning tablets. Now I don't have denture cleaning tablets in my home at the moment, but when I was a child and my abuela was over, she would have them. Turns out that you can use them to remove tea or coffee stains from cups, teapots, or ceramics in general, which totally makes sense since that's what they do for dentures as well.
There you have it. Easy kitchen hacks you can thank your dentist for. I'm sure your dentist would appreciate it if I remind you that although you can use unflavored dental floss in the kitchen, you should be using it daily to floss.
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