You know how your dentist is always on you to floss? Well, you can't floss if you don't keep dental floss stocked in your home. Next time you go out to buy dental floss for your pearly whites may I suggest you also buy some unflavored dental floss for your kitchen drawers? No, not so that you can floss while you are cooking (that would be gross), but so that you can use the dental floss to cut some things with more ease than a knife provides. Don't believe me? I've got a groovy video that shows you just how to use dental floss to cut your food.
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Again I cannot stress enough that the dental floss you use for cutting food should be of the unflavored variety unless you want your food to have a minty flavor. In my experience, it's actually kind of difficult to find unflavored dental floss, so when you find it, you might want to buy more than one.
This video will show you how to use dental floss to cut cakes, cookie dough, burritos, and soft cheese. Not in the video, but totally something you can use dental floss for as well, is when you bake cookies and they stick to the cookie sheet a bit, run dental floss between the cookie and cookie sheet to get it off without breaking the cookie. Yeah, it's true, I have dental floss skillz!
*Image via Thinkstock*