I'm sure I'm not the only person who rarely takes the time to clean out her bathroom cabinets, drawers and closets. Generally this is a task I only embark on once or twice a year, when I eventually get fed up with the disorganization and clutter. After recently spending about 15 minutes searching for my tweezers only to come up empty handed, I realized it was time to get to work. Now, I must confess: I haven't actually done it yet, but I do have a plan that I think will simplify the process. Check out my ideas below:
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Purge. Bathroom storage areas tend to be a little cramped, so you will likely need to take everything out and move it to a larger surface so that you can take a good inventory. Once you can see everything you should throw out anything that is expired or that you haven't used in six months or more.
Clean. Before returning anything to the bathroom, wipe down all of your shelves and drawers. There's probably toothpaste, makeup smears and plenty of dust hiding out, and there is no sense in putting anything back into a dirty area. Plus, it'll make you feel good when you open up that shiny, clean cabinet.
Contain. I like to sort everything by category–oral care, makeup, baby stuff, hair care, etc.–and assign each category a container as a home. Anything that is hidden from plain sight can go in an inexpensive bin or box. Purchase pretty baskets or jars for anything that will be stored in the open. Hint: kitchen utensil trays and pencil boxes are great options for drawers.
Clarify. Make sure everyone in the house knows where everything goes. You'll probably have to remind your husband and kiddos several times that everything has a place, but it'll be worth it if you can go a few months longer without having to re-do this chore.
Keep it up. This one might be wishful thinking, but we all have to aspire to something, right? Hopefully all the hard work to get our bathrooms into tip-top shape will motivate us to maintain them for at least awhile. It's so pretty when it's all clean and organized, that it'll be worth it to do a little preventative maintenance.
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