Natural home cleaning tip: Hydrogen peroxide keep things germ-free

I am on a mission to let as many people know as possible that it is easy and cost effective to green clean your homes. You don't have to go out and buy expensive pre-made environmentally friendly cleaners. You can if you want to and have the money you can, but you can do it on the cheap too. For example, hydrogen peroxide is a wonderfully inexpensive option for cleaning your home without the use of toxic chemicals.

You can find a bottle of hydrogen peroxide at just about any store for around $1. Score! one thing you must keep in mind when using and storing hydrogen peroxide is that it is very sensitive to light, that's why it is sold in dark bottles. You want to keep it in an opaque container so that it does not lose its potency.

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Now let's explore some of the ways that you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean around the home, shall we?

  • Clean your kitchen sponge. You know they say that kitchen sponges are about the dirtiest things in your home. They just breed bacteria. You can clean them by soaking them in a bowl with a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water for 10 minutes and then rinsing very thouroughly.
  • Clean your refrigerator. Your fridge is full of things you are going to ingest. Hydrogen peroxide is great for wiping down the inside and outside of your fridge because it is non-toxic. 
  • Brighten your laundry. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleach alternative. Add a cup to your whites and they will get a whitening boost without bleach.
  • Clean toys. Hydrogen peroxide is not a lung irritant so it is a great choice when cleaning things for children or people with respiratory issues.

There are many other uses for hydrogen peroxide and I encourage you to try as many as you can. I also want to remind you that if you want to use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle make sure the bottle is opaque or you can do what I do, which is just put a spray nozzle directly on the bottle the hydrogen peroxide came in.

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