Try these delicious & healthy black-eyed peas with bay leaves (EXCLUSIVE RECIPE)

When your diet is based on protein and fiber-rich beans and other complex carbohydrates, you're more likely to feel full and satisfied sooner. A diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and contribute to lower blood cholesterol levels which at the end can reduce your risk of heart disease.

This is why I call black-eyed peas the magic pea. Black-eyed peas are actually beans and one their main benefits is their high fiber content. High-fiber foods keep you feeling full, since they are digested slowly–which is important for weight control. They are also rich in potassium and iron and low in fat and calories. I hope you like this super earthy, healthy soup.

Black-eyed peas soup with bay leaves

Yield 6-8 servings

__1 package of black-eyed peas
4 quarts of water
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 cup of onion finely chopped
3 garlic cloves minced
3/4 cup red bell pepper finely chopped
3/4 cup of celery finely chopped
1 cup of carrot finely diced
Black pepper freshly ground


The night before, soak the black-eyed peas in water. In the morning, rinse the peas.

In a pot over high heat, put the black-eyed peas with the water to boil. Once they boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook for 30 minutes. Strain and dispose the water. Add 2 more quarters of fresh water to the pot, cover and cook the peas over medium heat until they boil.

In the mean time, in a skillet over medium heat, put the oil and sauté the onions and the garlic until tender, 5 minutes. Add the celery and cook for 3 more minutes. Add the red bell pepper and cook for 3 more minutes. Add the carrots and cook for 3 more minutes.

Add the sofrito to the pot. Add salt, pepper and the bay leaves. Cook uncovered for 15 more minutes.

This soup tastes better the following day.

Images via Enriqueta Lemoine