I'm a firm believer in snacking. Granted, typically I focus on healthy snacks in order to keep the weight off. Once in a while, though, I like to indulge in delicious sweet treats for the middle of the day.
The best thing about snacking, though, is making one of these 9 fun and super-creative snacks that the kids will love. Actually, I kind of want to make them all immediately. Seriously! Some of these snacks are healthy, some are not-so-healthy but absolutely all of them are delicious and kid-friendly, so your little chefs can join you in the kitchen, too! Check them out and enjoy.
Readmore ¿Qué más? Fun fruity ice pops to make with your kids! (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)
What's your favorite snack to make with the kids? Which of these recipes will you be trying first? Share with us in the comments below!
Brownie Slider Cupcakes

Although I don't really consider myself a baker, these absolutely adorable (and SERIOUSLY delicious) mini cupcakes shaped like burgers were the crowning achievement of my culinary pursuits (up until that point). Plus, they're a TON of fun to put together with your kids!
Find the full recipe on The Fit Flexitarian.
Watermelon Nachos

What do you do when it's hot outside? Typically for me, I reach for watermelon as a snack. It's one of my favorites but I would have never thought to create this very appetizing watermelon "nachos" treat! You don't even need to cook it, so it's kid-friendly AND kid-safe.
Find the full recipe on Babble.com.
PB&J Banana Burritos

What a cool idea! If you and your kids are tired of regular peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then why not add a banana? And to take it even further, why not just make it into a sweet little burrito?! I really love this and I think it's going to be a sure-fire hit with pretty much everyone in the family.
Find the full recipe on Mission Menu US.
Orange Jello Wedges

Don't these just look impossibly cute? Kids love oranges as snacks and kids also love Jell-O, so why not put the two of them together?! It's a fabulous idea and it's really not as difficult to do as you'd think. Plus, it's fun and colorfun! They'll love it.
Find the full recipe on Quick Dish by Tablespoon.
Natural Rainbow Rice Crispy Treats

Rice Krispies treats have always been a favorite of mine as a kid, but I never thought to make them myself. This recipe with natural food coloring and brown rice is definitely a favorite, though, both because it's healthy and also because it is incredibly delicious and colorful!
Find the full recipe on Savoring the Thyme.
Dulce de Leche Alfajores

Is there anything better than cooking with dulce de leche? Probably only these dulce de leche alfajores, which look amazing to me. Kids will absolutely love these mini-sandwich sweet treats and you'll enjoy making them all together, too. And don't be afraid to sneak one for yourself!
Find the full recipe on Flagrante Delícia.
S’mores Popcorn

Okay, not all of these snacks can be healthy, right? I love popcorn for family movie nights, but the thing that's going to be 100 times better than regular-old-popcorn is this recipe for S'mores Popcorn. Because, seriously, what's better than adding chocolate, graham crackers, and mashmallows to something?
Find the full recipe on Nest of Posies.
Chocolate Kiwi Pops

Everyone loves chocolate, right? Well, the thing I love about this oh-so-fun recipe is that it combines our favorite sweet treat along with some fruit to make it a little healthier. If you're wanting the kids to not only snack on sugar, then this fun recipe is the one for you!
Find the full recipe on Show Food Chef.
Apple Smiles

This one is kind of creepy! And cute, of course. Here's a really, really fun way to serve up some apples, peanut butter and mini marshmallows. I bet nobody will be able to resist snacking on these when hunger strikes. Plus, the apples and PB make this a great healthy option, too!
Find the full recipe on Disney's Family Go.