Well, as if pink slime and contaminated chicken aren't enough bad news for the food industry, now there's a huge recall on meat. Scary, isn't it?
And I mean it's a MASSIVE recall, too. Thanks to a possible listeria contamination, 324,000 pounds of ready-to-eat meat and chicken products from Buona Vita Inc. are being recalled. It's a pretty heinous thing, especially if your family is big on eating meat. If you regularly eat meat or chicken with your family (and, well, don't we all?), then there's a few things you really need to know.
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Well, first of all, you have to check the complete list of products that are being recalled. A lot of them are actually frozen foods so, if you can, go through your freezer and see what's there. Also, I would definitely watch out for buying more frozen foods—like meatballs, beef and chicken patties and "dinner loaf."
Secondly, since listeria can be a serious health problem with symptoms that don't show up for months, you need to check in with your doctor if you start to feel ill at ANY point. And don't be afraid to call Buona Vita's consumer relations phone number if you have any major questions or concerns.
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I'm really upset about this new recall, especially because I was just about to buy meatballs because I've been craving a simple pasta dish. I guess that, for now, I won't be dong that because of this recall. The only good thing that I can think of is that so far nobody has become sick. Here's hoping that we all stay safe and keep up that lucky streak.
How are you going to keep your family safe and healthy after this latest food recall? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Urban Mixer/flickr