5 steps to rearranging your bedroom—and spicing up your love life!

If you've ever gone on a vacation with your hubby, you know how much just the change in location can bring on some rekindled passion. That's all because being in a new place (like a hotel room) can spice things up out of the usually boredom and routine that are typically mood killers.

But you don't have to go away or rent an expensive hotel room in your city to spice things up. All you really have to do is rearrange your bedroom—and turn it into a more seductive place! A little change of scenery can go a long way to renew things in your home and with your love. Just follow these 5 easy steps to rearranging your bedroom and get ready for some renewed passion, too.

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1. Plan out what you want your room to look like. I'm a really visual person and I know that nothing works better than actually drawing out what you want your bedroom to look like. You'll get quickly frustrated if you start moving furniture around with no purpose. Take a sheet of paper and do a couple sketches. Talk about it with your husband, too. Do you want the bed closer to the window? How do you want to rearrange the nightstands or the dresser? Take all of it into consideration and plan it out well so that you're not getting frustrated by moving things every which way before making up your mind.

2. Take out all of the decorations and small stuff. Any little thing in your bedroom, from the alarm clock on the nightstand to the curtains and shoe racks should temporarily move out. You don't want to worry about breaking something while you're moving furniture around, so clear it all out. This will also give you the opportunity to see all of the things that you have in the bedroom and what you still want to keep once you do your big rearranging project. Some things might have been a good idea in the past but no time like the present to get rid of a couple of things you just don't love anymore.

3. Clean, clean, clean! If you haven't done your major Spring cleaning yet, then now's the time to get on it. Take some of my abuela's best Spring cleaning tips and clean the bedroom, top to bottom. It'll feel great to have your newly rearranged bedroom looking as clean as can be. This might take a few hours out of your day, but you should really plan on it because it will help tremendously in spicing up the room. Getting rid of all of those hidden dust bunnies will keep you feeling good about the room!

4. Move all of the furniture to its new place. Now it's time for the hard part of actually moving all of your furniture into the new spots. Do it very carefully (you don't want to hurt yourself!) and make sure that it's a project you're tackling together. Follow the map you drew out earlier but don't stress too much if things don't quite fit as you planned. Be flexible but follow your general guidelines as well.

5. Put in all of the finishing touches. The last bit of the rearranging project is, of course, to put all of your decorations and trinkets back in the room. After you've gotten rid of the things that don't quite fit, fill in a couple spaces with some new decorations as well. A good idea might be to change some of the colors in the bedroom to make it more seductive, like adding touches of red or some candles that you can light on those quiet nights in. Make your newly arranged bedroom as cozy as can be and you and your hubby will enjoy many more passionate nights there.

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Have you ever rearranged the entire bedroom or another room of the house?

Image via Gramophone Maryland/flickr