Eva Longoria__ is living her best life. The 42-year-old actress was spotted having some fun in the sun at Playa Padre in Marbella, Spain with her handsome hubby, Jose Baston. She's been doing a lot of philanthropic work lately, seems very happily married, and looks straight up flawless. In fact, she showed off her bikini body while vacationing and it looks like Eva might have gained a few pounds, but in a good way! Her curves look amazing.
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We're so used to seeing celebrities showing off model-thin figures, that when we spot one that looks, more like something we'd wear, we can't help but praise it. Eva has been sporting a curvier, healthy-looking figure and it looks great on her.
She's also not afraid to show it off. The Mexican-American actress wore a teeny tiny pink bikini that put all her curves on display. Check out that booty!
We're pretty sure Eva isn't intentionally trying to send a body positive message out there to the world. She's just living her life and loving her amazing bod. But seeing images of celebrities confidently showing off their beautiful but normal-looking bodies sends a very important message to the rest of us.
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Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BWnjGzYhCQl/
It reminds us that we don't need to look like bikini models to look good in a bikini! We can have dimples, cellulite, chichos, thick thighs, a big butt–even a belly–and still look fabulous.
Here's a big eff you to the crazy beauty standards society keeps trying to hold us to! We are already perfect the way we are, thank you very much.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/xT0GqgBS0IdI3rFXHy.gif