I'll be the first to admit that once upon a time, I had Frida-Kahlo eyebrows. That's right, before I started tweezing (and eventually threading), I was sporting a unibrow much like the legendary Mexican artist. But never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would actually become a mainstream trend. According to Allure, thicker brows with some fuzz in the middle might actually become a thing this summer. I definitely NEVER saw this one coming!
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Friday Kahlo was unapologetic about her unibrow and it looks like a lot of folks these days might be following suit. If you go on Instagram, you'll find over 70,911 photos under the #unibrow. Allure claims that the look is the latest "verge of a beauty resurgence." Meanwhile, the New York Times calls it "rebellious."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUJ35JABeuy/
"In our overly plucked and supremely groomed world, there's a rebelliousness to leaving the brow as nature intended," writes Max Berlinger. "In some cultures, the unibrow–sometimes called a monobrow–is even a sign of good luck, and for men, a signifier of virility and fertility."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUPB5FyjuH5/
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUIBxaJgOhc/
Frida wasn't the only artist who made a pretty convincing case for the unibrow. Rihanna made it look all kinds of gorgeous in her "Kiss it Better" music video. Remember that? A lot of people (including myself) anticipated it eventually become a trend.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BDjY5qmBM4o/
While I have absolutely no plans of growing out the fuzz I once had in between my brows, this new trend definitely makes me smile. When I was younger I treated my unibrow almost like a disability. I was so ashamed of it, that when I started plucking my brows in junior high, I tried throwing out old photos of myself with my former brows. You know, so new people that met me would never know.
Kids in school made me feel like the ugliest person alive, as if having a unibrow was like having an extra arm hanging from the middle of your face.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/xUA7b1q6pQ5nFOcpnG.gif
I was called everything from Frida Kahlo, Hilda from Hey Arnold and Bert from Sesame Street. The struggle was so real.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/gVJKzDaWKSETu.gif
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/HVZgXaaFcxI52.gif
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/13v1Lfh5jVfDsA.gif
So it's nice and quite refreshing to see what is actually a very normal feature that plenty of folks have finally embraced. Eyebrows shouldn't be something that cause anyone shame and everyone should have the right to wear them however they please!
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUMSKB4Ftpf/
Image via cybermeth/Instagram