The only thing Kim Kardashian loves to wear more than corsets and lingerie-inspired fashion is swimsuits. This week alone there's been a ton of photos of her sporting bikinis while vacationing in Mexico circling the internet. Some folks have even noted how the unedited pics show off Kim's cellulite. But the criticism is clearly not getting to her because she's still out there showing her summer bod. Here's a look at some of Kim's best bikini moments.
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Image via kimkardashian/Instagram
Her blue and orange bikini look is super cute.

After being highly criticized earlier this week for her butt and thigh cellulite, Kim still confidently hit up the beach in Mexico with this cute Dior bikini.
She rocked a black thong bikini bottom in Mexico.

She could care less what people have to say about her butt. She’s still showing it off in thong bikini bottoms. Power to her!
Her first Mexico bikini pic had a lot of people talking.

A lot of folks (including us) had a lot to say about Kim's butt and thigh cellulite. Not necessarily saying it was bad, more just pointing out how her body really looks without Photoshop and editing.
Kim’s silver bikini in Mexico is everything.

The silver perfectly complements her beach tan and you have to admit those abs look rock hard.
Kim’s black bikini pic with Kourtney shows she's fit AF.

You can only see the top but it’s enough to tell she’s in great shape.
Kim likes layering her bikinis with crop tops.

We see her and Kourtney doing it all the time.
Remember when she posted those vacay pics vacationing last year to IG?

This butt shot of her in a one-piece was just one of them that went viral.
She also wore a black bikini bottom that showed everything.

I’ll admit, this was another really good crop top and bikini pairing though.
She’s all about those booty shots.

That’s why she stays rocking thong bikini bottoms.
She wore a white bikini bottom with only a white crop top.

So once she hit the water it became so sheer you could see her nipples. But clearly she didn't care.
She loves herself a good one-piece.

Did you peep how this one says "Turbo Thot?"
She posts throwback bikini pics on Instagram on the regular.

This one she’s posted more than once as her summertime body goal.
This blue bikini shot is another one of her faves.

This was from a family vacation in the Dominican Republic back in 2012.
She looks good in bright colors.

Look how her tan pops in this red bikini she rocked back in 2012.
Of course, she likes a good selfie.

Even if it’s just of her bikini boobs.
Kim is all about that bikini selfie life.

All day every day.
She used Earth Day as an excuse to post a bikini selfie.

Because of course she did.
Her bikini selfies aren’t just exclusive to IG.

They are all over Snapchat too.
Remember those beach pictures of Kim with Saint last year?

She looked amazing in that nude bikini and Saint looked adorable.
Yes, she plays tennis in a bikini.

What else would you expect?
That time Kim wore a fur bikini for a photo shoot.

It was weird but so Kim.
Kim was all about those one pieces back in 2012.

She rocked them like it was nobody’s business.
She’d even hit the beach with a bombshell blowout.

She was all about that glam life.
Seriously, check out those perfectly blown-out extensions.

Did she even let them get wet?
Life was all about fancy yachts, beach vacations and sexy swimsuits.

Wait, she still does that now.
Kim’s bikini body looked a lot different back in 2008.

But she has had two kids since and she still looks good.