When Kylie Jenner first debuted her drastically fuller lips in 2014, we all noticed. You can't grow up in the public eye and expect the world not to recognize such an obvious physical change. And yet, Kylie still denied it. She denied it so much, some of us really started to buy the whole lip liner trick explanation, until we tried it ourselves and failed. But in a recent interviews with Complex magazine, Kylie comes clean about why she lied about her lip injections in the first place.
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"I wasn't even 17 yet. What if I came out and said, 'Oh, yea, I got my lips done'? What are all those moms going to think about me? These kids, my fans, they're going to think I'm crazy. I didn't want to be a bad influence. I didn't want people to think you had to get your lips done to feel good about yourself."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLcDuC1B6R0/
I'm not judging, but the truth is, Kylie did feel she needed to get her lips done to feel good about herself. She's always felt especially self-conscious about them. Apparently the insecurity began in middle school when a guy had the nerve to tell her that her lips were too small.
"This guy I kissed was like, 'Your lips are really small but you're a really good kisser. I didn't think you were gonna be good at kissing," she says. "It was so rude. From then on, I just felt like I saw guys staring at my lips. I felt like no one wanted to kiss me."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLbo5iVhU9K/
It's sad, that Kylie felt like she had to get a cosmetic procedure done, not only look beautiful but to get guys to like her and want to kiss her. Honestly, I really don't blame her. It's hard enough to deal with insecurities and the crazy beauty standards we live with today. Imagine dealing with all that while living in the public eye?
As for how she maintains her pout, Kylie admits she still gets lip injections today. She just tries not to get carried away. "It's annoying to hear every day that you're just this fake, plastic person when you're not," she says. "Every single day there was a news story about me."
Image via Kylie Jenner/Instagram