There's a difference between looking fierce and suffocating your insides to get a tiny waist. Clearly, Khloe Kardashian loves her fajas, but this recent photo she shared looks a little too extreme. Nothing about this looks natural or healthy. I feel a little bad for her internal organs. At the same time, at least she's keeping it real about how she achieves that exaggerated hourglass shape. Personally, my chichos would hate me if I did this to them. I'm sure if Khloe's chichos could speak, they would say the same. There are more crazy photos that prove Khloe Kardashian has rocked a crazy thin waist one too many times. Check them out along with this latest one!
Readmore ¿Qué más?: Kim Kardashian + 10 Celebs who wear fajas & are not ashamed!
Image via Khloe Kardashian/Instagram
More fajas

Khloe's insides must really be hating her right now. I'm not sure if wearing it this tight is really safe!
Sailor girl

Last summer, the 30-year-old's figure started resembling Jessica Rabbit's. Does she have Spanks underneath that bathing suit? I wonder.
Closet break

The Kardashian sister was giving a back view to her assets and showing off her tiny waist in a pencil skirt. Fajas can work miracles.
Crazy sexy

The Kardashians love posing in lingerie and this sister is no different. She's working that pose, no?
Faja lovin'

The reality television star finally revealed that her secret to looking snatched is a faja. Or at least that's what she wants us to believe.
Lace and glam

Talk about having an hourglass shape! I'm not surprised she decided to pose in this angle.
Wrap dress

Khloe's thick belt around her waist is giving the illusion of a super tiny waist. Or maybe she just has one in real life? Take a closer look.
Zip it tight

This is basically a faja dressed up as a top. Smart lady. I've never seen a stylish faja you could actually show off like this.
Bringing sexy back

This high slit is perfection. I guess this is a typical weekday in Khloe's house.
White hot

Khloe was free of chichos when she rocked these tight-waisted white pants. Not an easy color or style to pull off!