Laura Damiani knew breast augmentation would cost an arm and a leg, but she had no idea going under the knife would end up costing her nipples–as well as her life as she knew it! Within weeks of having her breasts done, Damiani developed a rare infection that caused her breasts to rot. As a result, doctors had to remove both her nipples, leaving her scarred–both inside and out. I'm not even exaggerating. When you see the pics, you'll understand why Damiani says this surgery just about ruined her life!
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More than 11,000 women get boob jobs in the U.K. each year, but few have experienced Damiani's special brand of post-procedure hell. Though the British restaurant manager admits she went into surgery "a bit blind," she says her surgeon made her feel confident everything was going to be just fine. And it was … at first. During her first follow-up appointment, Damiani was told her breasts were healing normally. However when a searing pain in both her breasts caused her to go back in for a second opinion, Damiani found out something had gone terribly wrong.
Damiani was told she'd developed necrosis, a type of gangrene that causes tissue cells to die and literally rot. In Damiani's case, the necrosis was concentrated in her nipples, meaning she'd have to have them removed. As you can imagine, she was devastated. "I realized that my breasts would never be the same again," she tells the Daily Mail. "I wasn't going to have the outcome I hoped for." Left with no nipples and botched breasts, Damiani fell into a deep depression. She pulled away from everyone, including her own mother, her friends, and her long-time boyfriend.
After enduring her own private hell for about a year and a half, Damiani decided to go under the knife for a second time, this time to fix her botched breasts. Two operations later, one of which was to reconstruct her nipple, Damiani says she's finally able to enjoy life again. "It's a huge relief not to feel bad about myself anymore," she raves. "When I look in the mirror now, I see a completely different person. I see someone who's happy, who's confident in their skin and I'm not afraid to show myself anymore."
Well, kudos to her. I'm happy for Damiani. No woman should have to go through what she went through. That said, let her story be a lesson to you all. Remember, no doctor is going to say, "Yeah, I kinda suck at this. But let me cut into you anyway." Shyeah, right, girlie. That's why you have to do your research. Speak with people who've had the procedure you're looking to get, and ask for their recommendations. Read reviews. And most importantly, follow your gut. If you still feel ill prepared or like something's up, table the procedure for a while–or just accept your body as it is.
Images via iStock, Daily Mail/Twitter