Having twice the number of something isn't always so nice. Take double chins for instance. I've never met a single person who was dying to have more than one chin. Nope. One is more than enough, gracias you very much. However, thanks to genetics and diet, some of us have been blessed with rounder cheeks and a fuller jaw line that may runneth over. While there's nothing wrong with that, it can be a real pain in the neck for some. So what's a girl to do?
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Well, I have good news and bad news for you. First the bad: Double chins, like most pockets of fat, are caused by an excess number of fat cells being stored in that area. Unfortunately, you can't spot-treat fat cells. However, are plenty of things you CAN DO to stop them from expanding or appearing enlarged. Here are six things you can do today to get rid of your double chin–and reap the benefits by the end of the week.
1. Nix sugary cocktails. Forget beer bellies. Cocktail face is a thing. Sorry, but all of that alcohol, sugar and salt in your favorite margarita may be what's making your face look and feel bloated. "Excess alcohol, sugar, and salt intake are all linked to fuller faces," medical weight-loss expert Sue Decotiis, M.D. tells Women's Health. To de-bloat cut back on your consumption of sugary cocktails, and up your agua intake–stat!
2. Beware of food intolerances. Do you ever feel tired or bloated after eating certain foods? You may have a food allergy. People with food allergies or intolerances, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, also tend to have fuller faces, warns Dr. Decotiis. Keep a food diary and note whether or not you experience any strange swelling after eating foods containing gluten or if you experience chronic IBS. Take your findings to your doctor. They'll refer you to a dietician who'll design a de-bloating diet just for you.
3. Mind your hormones. Right before your frenemy arrives, your body produces a ton of the hormone progesterone, which is what causes you to look and feel bloated–all over. If you're on the pill, ask your gynecologist about starting you on a new pill. Some pills contain drospirenone, which may ease bloat, since it's also a diuretic.
4. Stand up straight! A much easier solution is to just mind your posture. Standing with your head held up high, shoulders back, and spine erect will make you appear taller, and give you the illusion of a longer, slimmer neck.
5. Work your angles. When taking pictures or FaceTiming, keep your phone (or computer) at eye-level or higher. In general, the further your "problem" area is from the lens, the smaller it will appear on the screen.
6. Contour. Give yourself cheekbones that pop and a defined jawline with a few swipes of a makeup brush. For a detailed tutorial, check out this video by celebrity makeup artist Jackie Gomez.
Image via Chrissy Teigen/Instagram