Kim Kardashian is probably the most famous woman on the planet right now, so it's no wonder 23-year-old Jordan James Parke is obsessed with her. In fact, he's such a fan he's spent over $150,000 on plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures just to look like the reality star. You're probably ready to ask me: Does he actually look like Kim? I guess, in a jacked up sort of way. You're going to die when you see these pictures–trust!
Read more ¿Qué más? Woman spends over $34,000 to look just like Kim Kardashian
Between her reality TV show, her clothing line, makeup brand, fashion and nude photo spread in Paper magazine–who doesn't have her on their radar? But being a fan of hers and wanting to look just like her are two totally different things. This British man has gone above and beyond to look like his idol and he looks freaking frightening.
Parke has had everything done from Botox to lip and cheek fillers, tattooed eyebrows and even laser hair removal. This fool even got that bloody vampire facial Kim got a year ago and took pictures of himself having it done. Does he not realize how crazy he looks?
"I laugh when people try to insult me by telling me I look plastic or fake," he told Mail Online. "Do they think I'm going for the natural look? If I was, I'd ask for my money back." I guess the whole point is to look like a loco, no?
He's so dedicated to looking like Kim he even decks himself out in super expensive couture accessories. I'm talking raccoon coats, blinged out watches, designer handbags–the works! It's pretty funny actually. I wonder how Kim would feel if she saw this guy. Well, you know what they say: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
Images via Kim Kardashian/Instagram, Jordan James 2014/Instagram