Natalia Jiménez looked stunning at the 2014 Premios Tu Mundo awards last night. Her hair was worn sleek back and her makeup was flawless. But what really made her stand out was her super sexy dress.
It was a long, black number that hugged every last inch of her curves. It even had an opening that started at her back and made it's way down her hip then all the way down her leg. This dress was HOT! Wait a second, is it me or does this dress suddenly look really familiar? Yes, it looks just like one Eiza González recently wore!
Read more ¿Qué más?: SEE: Maripily Rivera's fashion fail at Premios Tu Mundo was epic

I definitely did a double take when I saw Natalia's Premios Tu Mundo dress. The dramatic cut out, the pin details down the side, she wore the same black gown Eiza wore to the premiere of Casi Tr3inta. I'd venture to say that most ladies wouldn't want to be caught dead in the same dress another celebrity wore on a red carpet only a feel days prior. Maybe Natalia had no idea Eiza wore this or maybe she loved it so much it inspired her? Who knows, but I'm sorry to say Natalia looked nowhere near as breathtaking as Eiza in that number.
Natalia did at least accesorize a bit with golden, metal feathers on the shoulders along with a rock-and-roll chain that hangs from the back to the front of the dress, but this was still a MAJOR fashion faux-pas. Someone fire her stylist stat!
I think Eiza wore this dress best because her style was a lot simpler and more sophisticated. I also can't help but appreciate the fact that Eiza is embracing her new curves. The girl was super skinny before she was asked to gain weight for her role in From Dawn Til Dusk: The Series. Don't get me wrong, Natalia looked great too but there's no comparison. Eiza definitely has this one in the bag!
Images via Mezcalent, Eiza Gonzalez/Instagram