Has anyone else noticed how different Naya Rivera looks compared to how she used to look when we first heard of her? She went from girl-next-door cute to looking like she could be Kim Kardashian's twin. Her face is slimmer, her nose is thinner, her cheekbones are higher and even her boobs look way bigger to me. I don't care how many times she tries to deny it, there's no doubt in my mind Naya has had plastic surgery. Don't believe me? Here are the pictures to prove it!
Read more ¿Qué más? Kim Kardashian before & after plastic surgery
Everything about Naya's look has changed–from her weight to her boob size and even some of her facial features. She's definitely had some work done, at least a few tweaks here and there. Take a look at Naya Rivera's drastic transformation over the years and let me know what you think:
Images via Getty Images
March 2009

Here’s a picture of Naya during her first days on Glee. If you notice, her face wasn’t as defined as it is now and it was fuller too.
March 2010

By 2010, Naya’s face started to slim down. It could have been due to weight loss, but we’re not entirely sure though.
January 2011

Naya’s chin area started looking shorter and less defined by 2011 and her cheeks didn’t look so full either. Could it just be that she was losing all her baby fat?
December 2012

There is no denying that Naya’s face looked noticeably different by 2012. Her cheeks looked higher, her chin was thin and her jawline was a lot more defined. Even the bridge on her nose looked thinner.
July 2013

Look at Naya’s boobs in this picture. They look no bigger than a 34 B, right?
March 2014

Now look at how much bigger they looked by 2014. And we can’t say that she gained weight, because Naya's frame actually got tiner this year. Was it a boob job or just a REALLY padded swim suit top? If that’s all padding, then I need to know where Naya gets her bikinis at!
April 2014

By April 2014, Naya was already starting to look like a Kim Kardashian replica. Her eyes look wider, nose thinner, her face shape had completely transformed and she even looked like she may have had fillers and Botox done.