It's bad enough that there is just about every form of plastic surgery under the sun available for women whether you want something nipped or tucked. There is even surgery intended to make you look better in your selfies (don't even get me started on that mess). But the most ridiculous one I've heard of–yes, worse than the selfies–is the "hand lift" surgery.
This surgery is popular with one particular crowd and when you find out who, you'll understand why I'm annoyed at them!
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Turns out brides-to-be are the targest audience for the hand lift. In this day and age of social media, whether it's Facebook or Instagram, every lady wants to look her best when a picture is posted. This is especially true when they get engaged and want to show off their rock to their friends and family on these sites. The issue is many of them don't feel like their hands are up to par and that's where the hand lift surgery comes in.
If this sounds bizarre to you, according to dermatologist Dr. Ariel Ostad, hand lift surgeries have gone up 40 percent thanks to social media. This doesn't come as a surprise after social media sites, such as Instagram, with all its photo filters has made people more self conscious about their looks.
So how does a hand lift work? According to Ostad, Juvederm, a treatment used on the face to smooth out wrinkles, is injected into the hand. Unlike Botox, it allows the patient to move their hand and only adds volume to the skin to make it look younger. The procedure takes about 10 minutes, lasts nine months, and can cost up to $1,200 a session. Ostad says, "As we age, the skin on the hands can lose fat, becoming more thin and bony with prominent veins and wrinkles." Hence why Juvederm is the ideal fix for some of these ladies.
This is just ridiculous! I have many friends who are engaged right now and none of them are obsessing over how their hands look. This surgery seems like such a waste of money the bride-to-be could be putting towards a wedding expense. Lets be honest, when people are looking at your ring they aren't looking at your wrinkly hand. At most, you should be maintaining a manicure if you want to make your hand look better– but that's it! In this super selfie obsessed world we live in, you know things have taken a turn for the worse when people are getting surgery to look better in their smartphone pictures. Just stop it already!
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