Naya Rivera just confirmed her engagement to boyfriend Big Sean a little over a week ago, but the actress has already taken the first step towards planning her big day. The 26-year-old was spotted shopping for a wedding dress over the weekend, bringing along some of her family members and even one of her Glee co-stars! Well, she sure didn't waste any time!
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On Saturday, Rivera stopped by the Monique Lhuillier boutique in Beverly Hills to scope out her first few bridal gowns, along with her mother Yolanda, little sister Nickayla, a few of her girlfriends and her costar Kevin McHale. Wow, that's quite an entourage for her very first wedding dress trip! Still, I can totally understand her for wanting to share the happy occasion with as many of her loved ones as possible. After all, they must all be really excited for her. Plus, Rivera made sure they all rode in style–according to Us Weekly, the entire group was dropped off in a white limousine! Sounds like a fun day to me!
McHale was later seen in the store, talking to a few employees as they held some gown options in front of him. I love that Rivera included one of her co-stars in such a special event. It just goes to show how that the cast really is like family!
Rivera has only just started the wedding planning process, so it doesn't seem as if any final decisions on the dress have been made just yet. But clearly, she can't wait to get married! In the meantime, we came up with some of our own suggestions for gowns we thought Rivera would stun in while walking down the aisle. Check out some of our picks below:
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Corset top
Rivera favors strapless, fitted dresses on the red carpet. This Monique Lhuillier gown with corset-style lacey top and flowy skirt is a perfect updated version–and is actually quite similar to one of the ones she was photographed viewing in the store this past weekend!
Silk white strapless
Another Monique Lhuiller! This one boasts a more fitted (and therefore sexier) silhouette, which would look great on Rivera's fit bod!
Trendy peplum
This peplum dress, from Marchesa's Spring 2014 collection, is trendy and modern–like Rivera herself!
Fitted lace
Strapless, fitted, and lacey–this Provonias dress is sure to look amazing on Rivera's toned body.
Crop top dress
Rivera is a HUGE fan of the crop top and has been seen wearing it everywhere–from events to out and about in her daily life. Lucky for her, crop top dresses, like this one, are the latest craze among designers!