I've had relatively long hair most of my life. Waist-length tresses are just a look I've always loved and felt suited me well. But there's a BIG difference between beautiful long hair and excessive length. I almost cringed when I saw 47-year old Asha's 21-foot-long locks. The My Strange Addiction reality star who proudly refers to herself as the "black Rapunzel" is so obsessed with her incredibly long locks she hasn't cut them in 24 years despite her doctor's orders because of the damage the sheer weight is causing on her back and neck!
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Among other problems, Asha has experienced serious back and neck pains because of her addiction to growing her dreadlocks which weight more than 25 lbs. when wet. Holy moly, this woman is literally carrying the weight of a professional wrestler on her head!
She also doesn't seem to mind the high-maintenance and grooming that comes with having such a very very long mane. Asha reportedly spends close to 5 hours a day just grooming it and easily goes through 24 bottles of shampoo a month. And what's crazier: She's even named it Mr. Corbra, that's how much she loves her long mane.
This woman's hair is so long she literally needs to strap it into the front seat with a seat belt whenever she gets into the car. She uses it as a pillow whenever she sleeps and it practically gets in the way of EVERYTHING. But Asha doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with her unconventional habit. If fact she regards it as anything but a burden. "It's my baby, my sweetheart, my crown," she said on the TLC show.
I'm sorry but there is absolutely nothing cute about this woman's hair. I honestly don't understand where all this pride and joy is coming from, because this is not a head full of hair anyone would envy. In fact, just a quick glance at this woman's locks made me sick to my stomach. It's enough to haunt me with nightmares. Seriously, carrying around a mane that weighs so much it can literally lead to nerve damage is absolutely not worth it. I know long hair is perceived as beautiful and feminine, but I can pretty much guarantee that Asha will spend less and live healthier if she ever decides to chop it all off. And as a bonus, I'm sure she'll look a whole lot better too!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3WYWhgtl_E
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