I was kind of shocked this morning when I heard about new "anti-rape" panties which a website claimed were from Victoria's Secret. My first thought was how insensitive they were, until I read on. First off, the so-called Pink-branded panties turned out to not actually be from Victoria's Secret. "While Victoria's Secret is not claiming that 'Pink loves Consent' is in direct response to recent criticism, one can easily assume it is an attempt to win back customers it has alienated with its 'rape culture' styles," is what was stated in the fake press release. Honestly, this one line was enough to convince me that this was indeed a prank of some kind.
But is there a message behind these cute pieces of lingerie?
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According to Jezebel.com, a Limited Brands spokesperson who owns Victoria's Secret confirmed that this was NOT an official Pink campaign and they were looking into what this was all about. More research from the Huffington Post uncovered that feminist organization FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture was behind the prank.
But let's talk honestly: Real or not, the mission behind these fake panties is to promote consent to fight rape. Phrases like, "No Means No," and "Ask First" are placed across the crotch area to remind customers that their sexual partners are supposed to practice consent.
While I don't think it's cool that this organization is trying to fool people into thinking this is a Victoria's Secret campaign, I can totally agree that Victoria's Secret underwear in some ways do objectify women. But, honestly, so do a number of other lingerie lines. And in the end, if I choose to wear a push up lace bustier and a sexy garter belt for my boyfriend, it's not because I'm all about "rape culture," it's because I want to look HOT. I'm an adult, though, and this is an important message we have to get to young girls, that just because they feel sexy doesn't mean they have to let themselves be objectified.
I understand where this Pink Loves Consent campaign was trying to go with this, but I have to tell you, these panties kind of weirded me out. The idea of consensual sexual relationships is extremely important and definitely something we should educate our young women more about. That's at the heart of this whole debate. But do you honestly think that a pair of panties that has the words "Never gonna Happen" emblazoned on them is the best way to go about it? Again, I totally respect what this campaign is trying to do, but I really feel that they are better and healthier ways for women to communicate with their sexual partners, and for us to educate young women about consensual sex.
Image via Victoria's Secret